Legal Guide To Static Caravan Ownership

Static caravans are a popular choice for many people who want to have a holiday home that they can use throughout the year. However, being a static caravan owner is not as straightforward as owning a traditional property, and there are several legal considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure your caravan…

How To Clean A Caravan Roof

caravan roof

If there’s one area that gets particularly dirty in a static caravan, it’s the roof. Which is why cleaning your caravan roof is a vital part of the caravan’s upkeep. However, it can be a time consuming process and it requires some materials such as a good ladder and long brushes. Caravans roofs collect moss…

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Static Caravan?

Static caravans in a field

On average, a static caravan lasts for around thirty years +, however, there are a number of factors that can extend your caravan’s life. The overall quality of your static caravan will play a huge role in its lifespan, as well as how well it is looked after. If you’re wondering, what is the life…

Static Caravan Sizes

Long, white static caravan

There are many static caravan types and sizes available and it’s important to ensure your plot of land, whether at a caravan park or if it’s being used as an on-site construction office, is big enough for the caravan. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the diverse range of caravan sizes, from compact single…

Caravanning In Bad Weather: Safety Tips

Man working on static caravan

Whether your caravan is sitting on the driveway, you’re holidaying or it’s being used as a home, storms can be scary. As UK weather gets more extreme, with 40-degree heatwaves, it’s not uncalled for to worry about extreme weather. Firstly, remember that caravans are designed to be used all year round, regardless of weather conditions…

Static Caravan Maintenance Tips

static caravan maintenance

Like most things, static caravans will require maintenance over time in order to keep them in good condition and to maximise their lifespan. Maintenance can include everything from simple regular cleaning of your static caravan both inside and out, to the replacement of guttering, windows and kitchens and bathrooms. Of course the life expectancy of…

Top 3 Used Static Caravan Brands To Buy

static caravan in park

So, you’ve decided to commit to purchasing a static caravan. But do you opt for a new static, or go with a preloved caravan? And which brand is best? To help you choose the right static caravan we’ve created this handy guide to what we believe to be the best brand static caravan manufacturers available today on…